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What are the different types of orders in trading crypto assets?

Buy and Sell

There are two different types in orders traders can choose either to buy or sell

A trader of a cryptocurrency buys while prices are at a low point and a trader of a cryptocurrency sells while prices are at a high point.

There are three types of orders: Limit, Market, and Stop-limit for buying and selling.


Cryptocurrency investors can place limit orders to specify parameters when purchasing and selling a cryptocurrency.


A buy or sell order that is executed immediately at the current market price. As long as there are willing sellers and buyers, the market order will be filled indefinitely. Market orders are used when the certainty of execution is more significant than the price of execution.


When the stop price is reached, a stop-limit order becomes a limit order that is executed at the specified (or better)  price.

Similar to limit orders, stop-limit orders don't get filled when the price never reaches the limit.