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How to complete the UBO and PEPs Information?

A politically exposed person (PEP) is someone in a prominent public position. They may be more prone to bribery, corruption, and other money laundering crimes because of their role. Therefore, financial institutions are at risk from them. Due to this, we strictly adhere to PEPs' compliance.

The Ultimate Beneficial Owner (UBO) is a natural person who owns or controls a customer or on whose behalf a transaction is made.

If you are not a politically exposed person (PEP) here are the steps to follow

  1. Click the Confirm button of Compliance Check of the Ultimate Beneficial Owner (UBO).
  2. To confirm, Check the box "NO, I am not a Politically Exposed Person (PEP)"/
  3. Click the Confirm button.
  4. Click the Done button which redirects you to ixfi home screen.

If you are a politically exposed person (PEP) here are the steps to follow

  1. Click the Confirm button of Compliance Check of the Ultimate Beneficial Owner (UBO).
  2. To confirm, Check the box "YES, I am not a Politically Exposed Person (PEP)".
    1. Enter the Full Name field.
    2. Enter the Position field.
    3. Choose the Country from the drop-down menu.
    4. Click the Done button.
  3. To Confirm again, Check the box "I am not a Politically Exposed Person or I am a close relative/associate of a PEP".

    1. Enter the Full Name field.
    2. Enter the Position field.
    3. Choose the Country from the drop-down menu.
  4.  Click the Done button of the Compliance Check-UBO which redirects you to ixfi home screen.

    1. You can check the box "I am not a Politically Exposed Person and I am a close relative/associate of a PEP" if applicable.
    2. Close relative / family: include spouse, registered partner, parents, brothers, sisters, children or spouses of children, and cohabiting partners of children.
    3. Associate:
      1. A natural person who participates in the same legal person or an organization not having a legal personality, or maintains any other business relationship, with the person who is a PEP;
      2. A natural person who has sole beneficial ownership of the legal person or an organization not having legal personality which has been set up or is operating for the de facto financial or any other private benefit of the person who is a PEP in prominent public functions:
    1.  Heads of State, heads of government, ministers, vice-ministers or deputy ministers, secretaries of State, and chancellors of parliament, government or ministry.
    2. Members of parliament.
    3. Members of supreme courts, of constitutional courts or of other high-level judicial bodies whose decisions are not subject to further appeal.
    4. Mayors of municipalities, directors of municipal administrations.
    5. Members of the management bodies of supreme audit and control institutions or chairs of the boards of central banks, deputy chairs or board members.
    6. Ambassadors, chargés d'affaires, envoys extraordinary and ministers plenipotentiary or high-ranking officers in the armed forces;
    7. Members of the management or supervisory bodies of state enterprises, public limited liability companies and private limited liability companies whose shares or a part of shares carrying more than 1⁄2 of all the votes at the general meeting of shareholders of these companies are held by the right of ownership by the State;
    8. Members of the management or supervisory bodies of municipal enterprises, public limited liability companies and private limited liability companies whose shares or a part of shares carrying more than 1⁄2 of all the votes at the general meeting of shareholders of these companies are held by the right of ownership by municipalities and which are large undertakings under the Law of the Republic of Lithuania on Financial Reporting by Undertakings.
    9. Heads and deputy heads of international intergovernmental organizations and members of their management or supervisory bodies.
    10. Heads and deputy heads of political parties and members of their management bodies.