Ethereum (ETH) is a cryptocurrency . Ethereum has a current supply of 120,524,819.26681877. The last known price of Ethereum is 2,476.48094248 USD and is down -19.93 over the last 24 hours. It is currently trading on 9910 active market(s) with $74,447,526,561.85 traded over the last 24 hours. More information can be found at
Pair | Last Price | 24h CHG | 24h High | 24h Low | 24h Volume | Market Cap | Action |
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World Liberty Financial (WLFI), a family-run firm associated with Eric Trump, has recently made headlines by transferring significant amounts of digital assets, including Ethereum (ETH) and wrapped Bitcoin (WBTC), to Coinbase Prime. The transaction has raised eyebrows, as it involves over $300 million worth of cryptocurrencies.
U.S. spot Ethereum exchange-traded funds (ETFs) surged to a record $1.5 billion in trading volume on Feb. 3, a 23% increase from the previous high of $1.22 billion on Dec. 19, 2022. This spike came as the crypto market reacted to President Trumps new trade tariffs, which sent Ethereum plunging nearly 36% to $2,100 before rebounding to $2,819.
Ethereum has long been the leader in the smart contract space, but as 2025 unfolds, significant challenges threaten its position. Internal leadership issues, controversial investments, and increasing competition from other blockchain platforms have created uncertainty about Ethereum's future.
Major cryptocurrencies declined sharply on Tuesday following the announcement of a new regulatory oversight committee, with total market liquidations reaching nearly $485 million in the past 24 hours. Cryptocurrency Gains +/- Price (Recorded at 8.15 p.m.