The Metaverse as a Concept in Modern Human Society

The concept of the Metaverse can arguably be described as a parallel universe that is rolling onward simultaneously and developing with the same momentum as our physical reality. We all understand that our perceived world already exists in the universe, and it’s manifested on Earth by people’s actions.

The Metaverse is the name people give to a new world built in the interconnected online environment. Manifesting our act of divine creation, our imagination is the only limit when we’re creating new digital worlds. Let’s explore this otherworldy concept more in-depth.

Parallel Universes

Interesting to note that the central concept of the Metaverse started to be understood by the general public after another key idea emerged in our collective perspective. This concept is the parallel universe.

The idea is that while we live our lives inside our reality and our universe, there is a possibility for other worlds or universes to exist simultaneously. Therefore, understanding the concept of parallel universes is crucial for understanding the idea of the Metaverse.

A metaverse is, at its core, a parallel universe that exists in the online space at the same time as our physical universe.

The Multiverse

The vision of the Metaverse is our soundest understanding of the multitude of universes that can occur when a conscious being is perceiving it. It is the closest we can get to understanding this quantum concept. The online world is a reality that humans have created where we play our games, build our societies, interact with each other or escape physical reality.

First Iterations of the Concept

It would have been very hard for people to describe an idea of the universe before the existence of the online internet world. One of the first iterations of this concept was the Second Life game, which was built following a science fiction book idea. Unfortunately, after Second Life, fans of the genre had to wait a long time before we could see other human-made Metaverses deployed.

Blockchain technology made it much easier to connect with people because of the technologies we are using right now. It is all about human interaction. For us to have the world we desire, we need to have the possibility to interact with each other in a collective and in a direct peer-to-peer way. We can do that now, thanks to this developing technology. That is why we are seeing more and more worlds being created in the interconnected Metaverse for people to have an alternative to the physical universe.

World Creators by Repetition and Example

Simply put, it’s about the projection inside our minds. Humans learn things by repetition and by example. We’ll project the things we already know, feel and do in our universe to any other worlds we create. This is precisely what happens to the Metaverse. The opportunity is infinite. Because the worlds that we can make are endless, and the possibilities that we can apply to those worlds are also unlimited, restricted only by our imagination.

The main focus now is on whether the Metaverse combines some simple ways for people to interact or creates new virtual lives. On top of that, new technologies are used to offer some unique ways for people to do things in the Metaverse — things that they did not think possible until now.

Different Facets of Reality — Physical, Digital, Virtual and Augmented

Based on the idea that an online world is already a Metaverse, many of the platforms we already use are very close to the Metaverse concept.

A world where we connect and immerse, sometimes even forgetting that we exist in the physical body, can be considered a real-world by many definitions. With the development of VR and AR technologies, the evolution of the vast types of metaverses is even more accelerated.

Imagine the river Styx in mythology — it had to be crossed on a boat to get from the physical realm of the living to the metaphysical realm of the dead. So likewise, an internet connection would be the river that takes our mind from perceiving our physical reality to perceiving the digital reality of that online place we ended up in.

It’s All About Human Connection

A physical reality that can’t exist if there are not at least two people engaged and inter-connected that accept the rules of that universe — the same applies to the digital online Metaverse. There need to be at least two people that get the rules of that realm for it to exist.

When a company or an individual creates a Metaverse for others to join, the first moment when an independent user enters that world, that Metaverse is validated. After that, when more users join, it starts existing in the collectively accepted reality.

The Metaverse can be scary or exciting, depending on how you wish to see things. Adopting a positive mindset and keeping an open mind when it comes to future technologies might do you more good than harm. Decentralization has the potential to solve many of our problems, so learning about it is certainly valuable.

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