Understanding sentiment and engagement in the crypto space

Social data offers a unique lens through which to view the sentiment and engagement surrounding Bitcoin and the broader crypto market. By analyzing trends on platforms like Telegram, Twitter, and even Google searches, traders and investors can gauge the market’s mood and anticipate potential shifts.

Telegram sentiment

Telegram remains a popular platform for crypto discussions, and sentiment analysis here provides valuable insights into the community’s feelings. Over the past week, on average, per the Telegram group studied in this case, there were 2,251 positive messages, compared to 7,167 neutral and 719 negative messages. This distribution suggests a relatively stable sentiment, with most users maintaining a neutral to positive outlook despite fluctuations in Bitcoin’s price.

Twitter sentiment

While Twitter is often a hotbed for crypto discussions, the data indicates minimal activity in terms of sentiment this week, with no recorded positive, neutral, or negative tweets. This could imply a temporary calm in discussions, possibly due to market stabilization or a shift in focus to other platforms.

Search trends

Search trends provide a window into public interest in Bitcoin. According to Google Trends data, searches for “Bitcoin” spiked around early August, coinciding with significant price movements. However, interest appears to have stabilized towards mid-August, reflecting a settling in market activity and public curiosity.

GitHub activity

GitHub activity is another vital metric, particularly for developers and those following the technical progress of Bitcoin. Over the past month, there was a 0.18% increase in commits and a 0.11% increase in stars, indicating steady development activity. While there’s been a slight drop in watchers by 0.12%, open issues and pull requests have remained consistent, signaling ongoing interest and participation in the development community.


Social data, while often overlooked, plays a critical role in understanding market sentiment and engagement in the crypto space. By keeping an eye on platforms like Telegram, Twitter, and GitHub, you can stay ahead of trends and make more informed decisions. For more insights and detailed data, visit IXFI’s Coin Info Center.


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