The term crypto has recently taken on so many connotations and nuances, although initially, the term refers to cryptography. As we already know, cryptocurrencies are digital coins encrypted on a database that allows anonymous and secure transactions without the approval of traditional third parties or the government. Therefore, data privacy has become one of the most important factors for users nowadays. International laws guarantee the right to data privacy, and any individual must be able to determine whether he wants to make public specific data solely. One way companies can keep their messages, and e-mails private is through cryptography.
What is cryptography?
Cryptography is part of our everyday lifestyle and is an essential characteristic of applications or webpages we use, even if we do not observe it. For example, when data is transferred through an electronic medium, encryption and decryption occur so that only the persons involved in the conversation can access this data. Cryptography represents o whole industry of secure technical communication, regardless if we’re referring to text or images. With the help of encryption, information is converted into cipher text that’s impossible to decypher by bad actors trying to steal a database or obtain access from outside. Only authorized personnel with the keys for information security can access original data as plain text. Used encryptions can be of multiple types, but it’s vital that we can use them anywhere, anytime.
How many types of encryption exist?
In many system data centers owned by companies, messages and e-mails go through third parties because their apps are not decentralized. Therefore, these companies must further provide information confidentiality, so they appeal to encryptions. There are two big categories for doing this, depending on the keys used to encrypt and decrypt the data: symmetric and asymmetric.
- The symmetric one uses the same key for both processes, and it’s essential to transfer it from the sender to the receiver safely.
- The asymmetric one uses the notion of a pair of keys where the sender keeps the private key while the public key is shared with the data.
This way, data is safer because accessing any information will require a private key.
What are End-to-End encryptions?
End-to-End encryption is considered highly safe, also known as E2EE, because it uses multiple keys and cryptographic methods that combine symmetric and asymmetric encryption. In addition, the End-to-End codification ensures a private connection between the two users that share data or between two devices used by these users. Unlike any other type of encryption, End-to-End encryption doesn’t allow access to information from the internet service provider or the company that owns the respective platform. Only the sender can see and decrypt (to read) the sent messages. It’s important to mention that if somebody discovers the account’s password, we’re not safely covered by encryption anymore.
How do these encryptions work, more precisely?
As stated above, End-to-End encryption combines both symmetric and asymmetric encryption. The symmetric encryption offers security to data through codification, safely sending it to whom it is due. Furthermore, asymmetric encryption is used with a public key, and every time a user sends a message, a pair of a public and private keys is automatically generated. End-to-End encryption uses protocols that ensure that both sending and receiving points operate in a compliant manner.
What applicabilities do they have in our everyday lives?
These encryptions are applicable and useable in everyday applications like Zoom, Facebook, and WhatsApp. Mainly Zoom, where official meetings are taking place, crucial numbers are discussed, files are shared with the clients, and salaries are being consulted – this is where data’s integrity is more important than anywhere else. Therefore, there is a significant interest for companies to securely keep our data to avoid lawsuits or spoiling their reputation. Furthermore, considering the competition between messaging & data applications and platforms, any inconvenience could push a company into bankruptcy.
To learn more about Blockchain technology and trading in general, keep up with our Crypto Fundamentals series. If you’d like to start your crypto journey, register on IXFI and enjoy a seamless experience. Your Friendly Crypto Exchange is here to help you at every step.
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