Psychology of Financial Markets
Financial Wisdom

The Psychology of Financial Markets

In any financial market that involves money, whether it is crypto, the stock market, or the real estate market, there are large traders (usually referred to as “whales”) and retail traders. Once they are financially educated, people realize that it’s not worth it to work daily from 9 to 6 for 40 years of their life and then retire for a three-times smaller pension.

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Financial Wisdom

Smartvestments 27: Is It Better to Buy Bitcoin or Start Mining in 2022?

Bitcoin is considered the most popular and used cryptocurrency in the world. There is no form of physical evidence of Bitcoin transactions; every single one is verified by a network of nodes and is recorded and stored in a distributed ledger known as the blockchain. With 18 million+ Bitcoins currently in circulation, how can you get your hands on some of these digital coins?

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