IXFI Joins the International Association for Trusted Blockchain Applications (INATBA)


We are honored to announce that IXFI is now a member of the International Association for Trusted Blockchain Applications (INATBA). As a global forum, INATBA bridges the public and private sectors to interact with regulators and policymakers, promoting Blockchain technology’s growth and responsible development.


INATBA is committed to facilitating positive changes in the Blockchain ecosystem. Its activities span from producing thought leadership outputs, crafting policy recommendations, and sharing best practices and guidelines to interacting directly with regulators and policymakers.

IXFI’s Membership: A Significant Milestone

IXFI’s membership with INATBA is more than just an association; it is a testament to our unwavering commitment to regulatory compliance, transparency, and responsible innovation.

INATBA’s Working Groups and Advisory Bodies

INATBA’s mission is advanced through several working groups focused on key sectors like finance, social impact, privacy, identity, and education. The insights and expertise of the Governmental Advisory Body and the Academic Advisory Body bolster these groups.

IXFI’s Commitment

As a member of INATBA, IXFI pledges to uphold the standards and regulations established by this international body. We are prepared to contribute actively to INATBA’s working groups and advisory bodies, integrating our expertise in the Blockchain industry with the shared knowledge of this diverse community.

Looking Forward

This membership marks a significant milestone in IXFI’s journey. As we navigate the dynamic landscape of Blockchain technology, our association with INATBA serves as a compass, guiding us toward responsible and transparent practices that benefit our users and the industry. We look forward to our active participation and collaboration within the INATBA community.


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We’re building the future of finance by helping millions across the globe have an easy and safe way to access cryptocurrency. Our goal is to deliver a new age, revolutionary, yet friendly product, that meets our users’ needs.

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